Thursday, January 31, 2019

YouTube Strikes Now Being Used as Scammers’ Extortion Tool

And... This wasn't expected. It will get worse.

From TorrentFreak:
In a terrible abuse of YouTube's copyright system, a YouTuber is reporting that scammers are using the platform's "three strike" system for extortion. After filing two false claims against ObbyRaidz, the scammers contacted him demanding cash to avoid a third - and the termination of his channel.

Lego bricks outshine gold bars as investments, study finds

Parents, Don't let your kid open those boxes. Actually, don't even show them to the kids.

From CNET:
Could Lego sets be the building blocks of a stronger investment portfolio? A study has that found Lego sets may be a better investment than gold. 
Lego did better than traditional investments like gold, stocks and bonds -- yielding an average return of about 11 percent from 1987 to 2015, according to the study published recently out of Russia's Higher School of Economics.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

A liitle CoD please?

I'm up for some team building

From Inquisitr:
Published in AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction, authored by Mark Jeffrey Keith, Greg Anderson, James Eric Gaskin, and Douglas L. Dean, “Team Video Gaming for Team Building: Effects on Team Performance” adds to the growing body of work pertaining to positive outcomes of gaming in a team environment.

Friday, January 25, 2019

360Fly HD Camera

So in my continuing effort to own all the crappy technology stuff, I bought this: The 360Fly HD camera. It's a pretty cool 360° camera. Funky looking. I gave it a quick test and it works but I'll need to try it out in the sunlight. Already working on hacking it but it's a bit more secure than other internet of shit devices I've played with.

Not the Onion: Prominent US ‘gay conversion therapist’ David Matheson divorces wife and comes out as gay

File under "Not the Onion"

From SkyNews

One of the most prominent "gay conversion therapists" in the US has divorced his wife and wants to start dating men.